Diamond Developers and the University of California, Davis (UC Davis) are enhancing their cooperative joint venture in the development of the Sustainable City project in Dubai, Diamond Developers said on Monday.
Their agreement was first established through a memo of understanding between top Diamond Developers executives and university leadership in February 2014. The extension will now include the development of a sustainability-focused professional training program and how sustainable practices are affected by arid climates that are found in the United Arab Emirates and parts of the Southwestern U.S.
“This was an important visit that enabled us to discuss how Diamond Developers is going to work in cooperation with UC Davis to fund further research into sustainable development," Faris Saeed, Diamond Developers' CEO and co-founder, said. "In particular, It gave us the opportunity to showcase the facilities of The Sustainable City’s Innovation Centre, which will set new standards for research and education relating to the conservation of resources and the environment. We were delighted to be able to use the opportunity to plan such initiatives as possible future visits for UC Davis’ students to the Innovation Centre, the sharing of knowledge and the comparing of best practices."
The project also will support research and scholarship opportunities that are available from working with the university.
Diamond Developers, U.S. university extend sustainability effort