Omantel ranked among best wholesale telecommunications operators

Omantel has been named among the world's top wholesale operators at the 2016 Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) World Congress.
Omantel has been named among the world's top wholesale operators at the 2016 Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) World Congress.
Omantel, the first integrated telecommunication services provider in Oman, has been named among the world's top wholesale operators at the 2016 Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNO) World Congress last month.

Omantel ranked second in the category of Best Wholesale Operator, behind UK provider EE (part of British Telecom Group). This recognition is the most recent addition to a number of awards and accolades received by Omantel.

"We are indeed honored to continue to be globally recognized as one of the top wholesale operators," Yasser Redha Said Al Lawati, senior manager of the National Accounts and Interconnection Department of the Wholesale Business Unit at Omantel, said. "In addition to being an acknowledgement from the MVNO global community of Omantel 's leading role in this important area of the telecom sector, this is also a recognition of our successful strategy in partnering with our MVNOs and developing this business stream together. Today, the market share of Omantel MVNOs is around 16 percent, which is the highest MVNO market share outside Europe and among the top five worldwide according to recent international reports. This reflects the significance of our MVNO partners in the highly competitive market of Oman. We take this opportunity to thank our MVNO partners who played a major role in achieving this important milestone."

MVNOs are service providers that do not have their own full-fledged telecommunications network; they are known as mobile resellers in Oman. Such companies buy services on wholesale basis from Class I operators such as Omantel, packaging the services under their own brand names.
