Qatar Airlines announced on Thursday that it will be extending its policy prohibiting hunting trophies to include all species identified within the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) of flora and fauna.
The airline said that approximately 35,000 species are protected under CITES, which includes 5,000 species in the animal kingdom and 30,000 in the plant kingdom. Examples of animals protected by CITES are: cheetahs, leopards, tigers, elephants, great apes, rhinoceroses and lions.
This extension includes bans on species indicated in CITES levels I, II and III.
“As one of the world's leading airlines, serving customers across six continents, Qatar Airways recognizes its responsibility to society, our communities and the environment," Akbar Al Baker, Qatar Airlines Group CEO, said. "An absolute ban on all hunting trophies further extends our commitment to supporting the protection of endangered species and the elimination of illegal trading of animal products.”
CITES is an international agreement that aims to protect species' survival by limiting the impact of international trade. CITES I designation indicates a species in danger of becoming extinct, CITES II designation indicates a species that trade must be controlled in order to avoid threatening their survival. The CITES III designation indicates that a species is protected in one country that has asked other CITES state parties for assistance in controlling trade.
Qatar Airlines bans all hunting trophies on flights