Atbahrain, a business offering custom tourism packages for visitors to Bahrain, said recently it is taking part in the second annual Shop Bahrain shopping festival, set for Dec. 24 to Jan. 23.
"We are delighted to partner with Atbahrain, the leading company specialized in offering travel and tourism solutions to the kingdom," Shop Bahrain Project Director Nawaf Al Koheji said. "We hope that this partnership further adds to the success of Shop Bahrain by attracting tourists to Bahrain to enjoy the calendar of activities in place for families."
Atbahrain plans to unveil new packages for the festival, which is aimed at bringing people to Bahrain's varied retail shops and luxury shopping malls. Participating businesses will offer bargains and promotions throughout the 30-day event.
"Atbahrain is committed to connecting the dots in Bahrain's travel and hospitality industry by bringing together organizers of key events, Bahrain's leading hotels, the national carrier, ground transportation providers and government entities to create tailor-made packages for visitors," Atbahrain General Manager
Benjo Vanlaarhoven said. "We are delighted to be partnering with Shop Bahrain to promote the shopping festival, which will attract a significant number of visitors from the GCC to the kingdom.
"Atbahrain aims to promote Bahrain as a destination for travel and tourism and such events will enable us meet this objective," Vanlaarhoven said. "We have also created early-bird packages to enable and facilitate the visit of participants, fans and sponsors of the upcoming Bahrain International Airshow and the 2016 Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix, and we are ready to share these packages with travel agencies in Bahrain, the GCC and beyond."
Atbahrain to take part in Shop Bahrain