The fourth in a series of
Supreme Environmental Coordination Committee meetings was held at the Ministry of Environment and Water in Dubai, allowing members of the committee from around the UAE to come together to discuss progress and implementation of procedures and plans to ensure they are in line with the directives of the nation's leadership.
One of the prime directives the meeting focused on was the enhancement of effective coordination and integration between federal and local authorities as part of UAE Vision 2021.
UAE’s Minister of Environment and Water
Rashid Ahmed Bin Fahad led the meeting, commending the committee for its continued efforts. He said the committee’s dedication has made it possible for the country to be awarded for achievements, including the honor of hosting the 27th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol. During the Montreal Protocol meeting, the Dubai Path initiative was announced.
During the fourth Supreme Environmental Coordination Committee meeting, the National Committee for Air Quality and the National Committee for Management of Waste and Hazardous Substances updated progress for ongoing projects in each emirate and participants discussed air quality and national waste management programs. These included a detailed account of current developments and ongoing government efforts to reach targets, presented by Eng. Fahad Hareb, director of the
Ministry of Environment and Water's Air Quality Department.
The committee recommended strict monitoring, especially of nitric acid.
UAE environmental officials continue on path to Vision 2021