Tejar Dubai Youth Council, Investcorp to host workshops for young entrepreneurs

Tejar Dubai Youth Council is teaming up with Investcorp to organize workshops and training seminars for young entrepreneurs.
Tejar Dubai Youth Council is teaming up with Investcorp to organize workshops and training seminars for young entrepreneurs.
In a move to support Emirati youth entrepreneurship, Tejar Dubai Youth Council, operating under the umbrella of the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Investcorp to organize a series of workshops and training seminars for young entrepreneurs.

The MoU was signed by Saif Al Shafar, chairman of Tejar Dubai Youth Council, and Mohammed Al-Shroogi, co-CEO at Investcorp.

The MoU aims to strengthen the cooperation and coordination of the two organizations to promote the development of business skills among young Emirati entrepreneurs in Dubai. The events will be hosted by Tejar Dubai Youth Council at the Dubai chamber headquarters. Investcorp will manage the seminars.

“Investcorp has a historical relationship with the UAE, and this partnership is another testimonial of our long-term commitment to the country," Al-Shroogi said. "Over the past few decades, the UAE has demonstrated impeccable growth and development on different levels, and looking at Dubai in particular, the economic diversification achieved today is outstanding. We are proud to be collaborating with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry, whose role in this development has been vital, and we look forward to commencing our series of seminars that will enable us to pass our knowledge onto the young business community in the UAE.”
