Saudi Aramco recently sponsored the Unconventionals
Resources Technology Conference (URTeC) in San Antonio, Texas, that focused on the exchange of new technologies, ideas and best practices in the
field of unconventional oil and gas.
Saudi Aramco has sponsored the event since 2013, its debut
year, and also been an exhibitor and session participant. Organized by the
American Association of Petroleum Geologists, the Society of Petroleum
Engineers and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists, the
conference brought in 2,400 professionals, along with approximately 600 technical presentations.
The presentations were divided into 13 themes such as geomechanics, production
performance and well completion, and stimulation practices.
For its part, Saudi Aramco gave six technical presentations showcasing the company’s advancement of its unconventionals program and the
power of its research and development activities related to shale and tight
Saudi Aramco’s Mohammed Al Duhailan presented a research
paper titled, “Differential Maturation, Generation, and Expulsion of
Petroleum: Causes and Effects on Jurassic Unconventional Resources in Saudi
Arabia.” Al Duhailan also presented a
paper titled “Integrated Analysis of Abnormal Pressures in Source
Aramco Research Center petroleum engineers
Onur Balan, Jilin Zhang and Jinhong Chen also presented research papers. Terry Hagiwara
from Aramco Services Company Upstream presented on the relationship
between permeability and formation factors.
Saudi Aramco sponsors oil, gas technology conference in Texas