RAKtherm, a company that develops internationally certified
pipe PPR and innovative PEX systems, has announced a plan to increase
international participation due to a growing demand in the global market for
pipe technology solution.
RAKtherm, part of Hashim Group, was established in 1963 in
Saudi Arabia. Its plan involves three interrelated strategies -- investing in
capital expenditures, pushing market strategies and innovating its products.
The plan should result in a 34 percent increase in production capacity,
ensuring global supply.
established ourselves as market leaders in the global arena with a portfolio
that drives the world's most versatile and comprehensive piping systems to
provide piping systems Luxury by Worldwide, realigned our emphasis this year to
optimize the potential of global markets,” Ali Hashim, president of the Hashim
Group board, said.
noted that, in order to meet modern plumbing challenges, his company would
use a new line of piping systems developed by RAKtherm to help deliver
mechanical, electrical and plumbing technologies.
in the order of USD 200 million in capital expenditures we announced last year
are to improve technology, equipment modernization and the launch of new
innovative piping systems RAKtherm,” Hashim said.
RAKtherm announces plan to grow PPR, PEX supply to meet global demand