Oman Air has announced a
partnership with United Media Services LLC (UMS) to provide Media Box -- one of
the largest e-paper media libraries -- to first class and business passengers on
its flights.
The Media Box, a web-based
platform, delivers easily downloadable reading materials such as newspapers and
magazines. Once downloaded, the materials are presented unabridged and in the
same layout used in print versions, which can be browsed intuitively.
"Oman Air is committed
to continuously finding new ways to surprise and delight our customers,
increase convenience and make their passenger experience even more enjoyable,”
Said Al Raisi, executive vice president of products and brand development, said. “We are therefore excited to have appointed the Media Box to
deliver digital media services for customers in our premium lounges at Muscat
International Airport.”
Al Raisi commended the
expertise of the media and sales professionals at UMS. He believes Media Box will be well received by passengers.
“This service will be warmly
welcomed by our premium customers at Muscat, and further extends Oman Air’s innovative digital strategy,” Al Raisi said.
Media Box will also
provide an analysis tool for the airlines, as it will be able to track the
media favored by its audience. In the future, the company can use the analysis
to create a more targeted service.
Oman Air announces partnership with UMS to deliver Media Box reading materials to passengers