The Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (QCCI) has
announced the launch of its COO online system, which will be used to issue
electronic country-of-origin certificates for private-sector companies.
The goal of the program, according to QCCI, is to limit
manual transactions by digitizing procedures through its website. The
organization urges all companies to register for the service, as it saves time
and effort for all involved.
Al Anoud Al Mohannadi, acting head of the member
affairs department, noted that the number of registered companies to this point
is below what QCCI expected. This is despite the fact that the organization has
held seminars to brief businesses in the region.
Al Mohannadi said that the new system is easy to use.
Companies just need to follow a simple set of steps, including downloading a
form and filling it out then submitting to QCCI.
Qatar Chamber announces launch of online system for country-of-origin certificates