The Department of Geology at
the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) College of Science recently
organized a lecture titled "Seismic field survey using geophysical
applications for oil exploration.”
The event took place on
Sept. 7 in the presence of Dr. Khalid Al Bloushi, head of the Department
of Geology, and Professor Saeed Al Mahrooqi, head of geophysical operations in
the petroleum development company Oman Oil Company. Also in attendance
were representatives of the international American Society of Exploration
Geophysicists (SEG), faculty members and college students.
Overall, the event’s goal was to
introduce students to modern scientific methods related to the research and
exploration of oil. Methods include seismic field survey techniques that
collect data using short vibrations in the earth’s layers. The lecture
described how the process works and showcased a statistical comparison between
old and modern methods for seismic solutions.
Members of the College of Science also
hosted a ceremony on Sept. 8 to honor the college’s newest faculty members.
This ceremony was meant to highlight effective communication between all those
involved with the university.
UAE University hosts geology conference to teach students modern scientific methods for oil research