Qatar Airways to become first airline to meet ICAO 2021 Flight Tracking Recommendations

Qatar Airways to become first airline to meet ICAO 2021 Flight Tracking Recommendations
Qatar Airways to become first airline to meet ICAO 2021 Flight Tracking Recommendations | Courtesy of Shutterstock
Qatar Airways has announced a partnership with GlobalBeacon, a technology solution created by Aireon LLC and FlightAware.
The airline will be the launch partner for the technology and, through the partnership, will become the first airline to meet ICAO 2021 Flight Tracking Recommendations. The technology provides up-to-the-minute global tracking of all aircraft equipment with Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B).
“As one of the fastest-growing airlines in the world, both our needs and our drive to deliver the very best services for our global passengers are continually evolving,” Qatar Airways Group CEO Akbar Al Baker said. “GlobalBeacon will seamlessly integrate with our existing ICAO 2018 compliant flight watch technology (Total Operations System), and further enhance our fleet management by providing updates every minute.”
Al Baker noted how proud he is of his company’s leadership in aviation safety and awareness by becoming the first airline in the world to have these tracking capabilities.
“We will be the first airline in the world to have the capability to use worldwide satellite air surveillance to support our airline operations and to achieve the highest level of flight tracking standards ahead of the ICAO 2021 mandate,” he said.
