BizWorld UAE, a new social enterprise geared toward
entrepreneurship education for elementary and middle school children, has
launched operations in the Middle East with pilot programs in Jordan and the
United Arab Emirates.
"Launching BizWorld in the region represents a
pioneering step for entrepreneurship education in the Middle East; we are
strategically aligned with the region's efforts to further develop the
education system and promote entrepreneurship to its young and ambitious youth," Jordanian businesswoman Helen Al-Uzaizi, who is spearheading the venture, said. "Improving
education and promoting entrepreneurship are the highest priorities for
governments across the entire Middle East as these are the most viable
solutions to the current social and unemployment challenges facing the
The BizWorld UAE program aims to nurture students, 7-15, by developing their creative thinking and problem-solving skills. After
starting pilot programs in Jordan and the UAE, BizWorld UAE plans to expand
into more markets across the Middle East.
"We are instilling the entrepreneurial spirit in our
children to nurture a generation of capable leaders and empowered individuals
who will shape the future of the Middle East, regardless of the career
path they choose," Al-Uzaizi said.
BizWorld UAE launches new operation in Middle East