Khalifa University recently participated in the NAJAH
Education and Career Exhibition at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center
Khalifa unveiled a new logo, which combines the university’s
name in English and Arabic, and showcased a multitude of student projects. One
project involved an underwater vehicle designed to reach a depth of 100 meters,
while another involved a unique unmanned plane designed to improve communications
and maneuverability in the unmanned aerial vehicle market.
“Ensuring that our students have access to state-of-the-art
facilities and laboratories and the funds and support they need to conduct
worthwhile research into areas of particular importance to the UAE is one of
Khalifa University’s main goals,” Dr. Arif Al Hammadi, executive
vice president of Khalifa University, said.
Al Hammadi stated that the university’s
programs aim to fulfill future UAE economy needs. For that reason, Khalifa
plans to offer programs on a wider array of focuses.
“Whether our students are
conducting research into aero systems or cyber security, they are all dedicated
to solving real-world problems faced by industry and government in the UAE,”
Al Hammadi said.
Khalifa University showcases multitude of student projects at NAJAH Exhibition