A recent meeting between Chairperson of the Council of
Saudi Chambers (CSC) Dr. Hamdan Al Samreen and Saudi Ambassador to Sudan Ali Jafar focused on the strengthening the relationship between the two nations.
The meeting particularly focused on strengthening the economic and trade relations
between the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the republic of the Sudan.
The chairperson noted the strong bilateral relations between
the two nations as well as the Saudi ambassador’s efforts in supporting Saudi
investors in Sudan. The relationship also shows consistent growth and economic
development for Saudi-Sudanese trade and the promise of further development.
Saudi Ambassador noted the embassy’s eagerness to completely
assist Saudi investors in Sudan by collaborating with Saudi-Sudanese Business
Council at CSC to address and remedy any issues that arise in Sudan with efforts
of bettering the economic market.
A business center has been created by the Saudi Embassy in
Sudan, according to Jafar. The center is designed to offer
information, database and statistics to investors interested in expanding with
the Sudanese economy.
It is the hope of the ambassador that the embassy’s
desire to better the Saudi-Sudanese economic endeavors across a variety of
industries will be obvious to investors and allow the economy to continue to
Economy topic of conversation between CSC chairperson, Saudi ambassador to Sudan