A recent meeting between Minister's Assistant for Foreign
Affairs Abdullah Al Dossari and Director for North Africa and
Middle East at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Jérôme
Bonnafont focused on the strengthening relationship between the two nations.
The meeting, held in Paris, particularly focused on strengthening the economic relations
and growing collaborations in different industries.
Ambassador Bonnafont noted the strong bilateral relations
between the two nations as well as the kingdom of Bahrain’s efforts in
supporting the developing relationship.
Human rights and the development of protecting those rights
as specified in the reform project of the king and an initiative
originated by the government was discussed between Al Dossari and the ambassador at large for human rights, Patrizianna Sparacino-Thiellay. The two
dignitaries discussed creating and meeting sustainable goals in the area of
protecting the dignity of the people.
The kingdom of Bahrain has assisted in developing political,
civil and religious freedoms in an effort to support tolerance of differences,
openness and respect for everyone. The kingdom also maintains a commitment to
the protection of human rights and strong relationships with internal
organizations who work toward bettering the lives of residents.
The kingdom of Bahrain has finished the legal and preemptive
structure by initiating and supporting the independence of the National
Institution for Human Rights according to the Paris Principles and the
establishment of the Bureau for Complaints and Grievances of the Ministry of
Interior, the Prisoners and Detainees Rights Commission and an independent unit
of investigation at the Public Prosecution.
In addition, the kingdom has begun educational programs to support
tolerances and morals of nationwide unity and harmonious coexistence among all
civilizations, cultures, and religions.
Sparacino-Thiellay highlighted the most
significant accomplishments in the area of human rights and praised those
efforts during the meeting.
French Foreign Ministry meets with minister's assistant for foreign affairs