Hospitals, medical resellers and patients in the country of
Egypt are having big problems.
An enormous amount of concern over a clash between dropping
currency values, along with artificial price caps on many medications currently used
within the country’s health care system, has arisen.
The end result is that the drugs in question are no longer
profitable to import or manufacture, which is problematic. Affected drugs include insulin, some cancer treatments and a
range of contraception products.
After receiving a $12 million loan, Egypt saw the Egyptian
pound devalued, which led to the current crisis.
trace aspects of Egypt's economic hard times back to the 2011 uprising,
pointing out that before the Arab Spring, many of Egypt’s economic indicators
were positive. Since then, the country has been battling serious economic
problems, including inflation in the double digits, which has made it hard for
officials there to pursue a market correction.
In an unusual response to the drug shortage problem, Egypt's
Health Ministry blames consumers who it says are hoarding medicines, and refuses
to raise price caps in the wake of the shortages.
How big is the crisis? Official reports show nearly 1,600
drugs have experienced shortages in the last few months -- doctors relate
stories of desperate patients unable to get the insulin that they need.
Pharmacies are running out of imported products, and even
the 70 percent of Egyptian drugs that are domestically made are in short supply.
Experts estimate that 40 percent of Egypt’s drugs come from big international sellers
including Pfizer, Novartis, GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi.
Some are calling the situation entirely avoidable.
"It's an orchestrated crisis," Health Ministry
spokesman Khaled Mogahed said in a press statement to Mehwar, an Egyptian
television broadcaster. "The decision to float the pound was taken ... and two
hours later people began saying we have a crisis and we don't have meds … It's
a way to push for a rise in medicine prices, which will not happen."
Others in the U.S. agree that, economically, this is
something that could have been fixed earlier.
“This is a million-dollar blind spot,” Gary Patterson told Gulf News Journal Wednesday.
Patterson runs FiscalDoctor, a consulting
“It's something they should have prepared for,” he said, describing a kind of psychological effect that often leads individuals
and groups to put off addressing frightening issues that can turn into
full-blown crises. “People wait too long to address an issue -- there's a
reason people say don't kick the can down the road.”
In the face of these drug shortages, Health Ministry leaders
are talking with private-sector drug industry executives to put together an
emergency plan involving a $165 million of subsidies for the life-saving drugs.
"There's no way of knowing how long this amount will
last because cancer drugs are expensive and it depends on the shortages, but
the amount is not enough to solve the problem," Adel Maksoud, head
of pharmacy at the Cairo Chamber of Commerce, recently told Zawya.
Egypt wrestles with critical drug shortages