is featured as the first university in Qatar to take part in one of the largest
Muslim charities in the world. Student volunteers gather each day for one week
for events for Charity Week for Orphans and Needy Children.
The charity is a
global effort within Islamic Relief. As it enters its third year, the campaign
now has other universities taking part -- namely, universities in Education City,
as well as Qatar University and College of the North Atlantic-Qatar.
had a WhatsApp group with the other universities to see how they were doing,
and to cheer each other on,” Sherif Mostafa, a senior in the Biological
Sciences program, said.
Mostafa organized the event at Carnegie Mellon Qatar. More than 131,450
QR was raised by university students in Qatar through events hosted during
Charity Week 2016.
Week began Oct. 24 at CMU-Q, where more than two dozen students volunteered
their time to organize daily events. Money raised throughout the week will go
to projects in Jordan, Europe, Syria, Bangladesh and Gaza, as well as to
refugees in Calais.
raised the most money in Education City, bringing in 19,282 QR for this year’s
Charity Week. The university ranked third overall in Qatar for funds raised.
CMU-Q tops other Education City universities in Charity Week fundraising