For the second
consecutive year, CMU-Q has showcased its Securities Market Analysis Research
and Training Lab (Q-SmartLab) at the Euromoney Qatar Conference.
Qatar business
owners and managers mingle with government leaders at Euromoney to get the
latest happenings and tools from Qatar’s financial and economic sectors.
Q-SmartLab is a
big data solution developed at Carnegie Mellon Qatar. During the Euromoney
event, the Q-SmartLab booth attendants used real-time prices to demonstrate
live algorithmic trading in the currency markets.
One of the most used features
of the Q-SmartLab is the tools’ ability to research and explore the ties between
algorithmic trading and extensive learning.
Creators of the
Q-SmartLab are Zeeshan
Hanif, Q-SmartLab manager and researcher; John O’Brien,
associate dean; and Fuad
Farooqi, assistant teaching professor of finance.
Q-SmartLab demonstrates live algorithmic trading at Euromoney