An investigation into the employment practices at Qatar Airways
that began after complaints that pregnant cabin stewards faced
dismissal recently ended with the airline vowing to end the practice.
“The latest report of our governing body on this matter
indicated that the procedure has been closed,” Hans von Rohland, of
the International Labor Organization (ILO), which initiated the probe, told
the Gulf News Journal in an email from Geneva.
After the year-long investigation, the ILO issued a report
criticizing the company for firing pregnant employees, but also for
prohibiting female workers from being dropped off or picked up at
work by any male other than a close family member, and barring women
from marrying in the first five years of their employment.
Qatar Airways now says it will change its employment practices
relating to women, including finding alternative work for those
in late-state pregnancy.
Women make up 80 percent of the carrier’s 23,000-strong
The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) says it
has been calling for similar changes since 2013.
“This is a real victory for Qatar Airways staff, and there are
more victories to be won,” Gabriel Mocho, ITF Civil Aviation
secretary, told the online magazine Equal Times. “Our
campaign for justice at the airline continues, now strengthened by
this significant step forward. This also puts other airlines on
notice that any similar policies will not be tolerated, although it
has been Qatar Airways that has been the worst offender.”
U.S. labor organizations have been protesting the airline’s
employment practices since direct flights between Doha and Atlanta
were announced earlier this year.
The Alliance for Workers Against Repression Everywhere (AWARE), a
nonprofit organization advocating for international workers' rights,
asked Georgia residents and politicians to reconsider traveling with
the airline.
The group alleges that Qatar Airways has abused its employees while
they work under the watchful eye of the Qatari government.
“In Doha, the airline mandates that its employees live in
company housing with strict curfews, where their personal lives are
monitored, and bans workers from marrying without its permission,”
the organization said.
In its report, the ILO said it understands that health and safety
concerns make it mandatory that workers let the company know if they
become pregnant.
“It considers, however, that protective measures should include
action taken to ensure that a woman worker does not lose her job
during pregnancy and that maternity is not a source of discrimination
in employment and occupation,” the report said.
The Qatari government said it is company policy that
the staff of Qatar Airways responsible for the well-being of the
workforce diligently search for alternative jobs on the ground for
pregnant cabin crew members.
Qatar Airways agrees to change female worker policy