Mathematicians from
all over the world recently visited Texas A&M at Qatar to take
part in a workshop titled “Analysis and Geometry in Several Complex
Variables II.”
The workshop examined developments
in geometry concepts, such as CR manifolds, the
geometry of several complex variables, and closely related areas,
including the theory of over-determined systems of partial
differential equations.
“These events are a great
opportunity to lay the groundwork for international collaborations,”
Nordine Mir, professor of mathematics in the science program at Texas
A&M at Qatar, said. “The workshop series also helps in building
exposure for the Qatar research enterprise and therefore contributes
to Qatar National Research Strategy.”
Mir organized the
event with the help of Shiferaw Berhanu of Temple University and Emil
Straube of Texas A&M University. It was sponsored by Texas A&M
at Qatar, the College of Science and the Department of Mathematics at
Texas A&M University and QAPCO (Qatar Petrochemical Company).
conference of this caliber adds substantial further visibility to the
science program at Texas A&M at Qatar and to Qatar as the Middle
East research hub,” Straube said. “The workshop was designed to
spark mutually beneficial collaborations between mathematicians in
the region and colleagues in Europe, Brazil, Japan and the U.S.”
Mathematicians descend on Texas A&M at Qatar