Electricity and Water Company (QEWC) recently announced that it signed the fifth
amendment of the memorandum of understanding (MoU) of “The Partnership Project”
with Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation (Kahramaa), and Japanese
Chubu Electric Power Company.
amendment to the MoU was signed by QEWC Managing Director and General Manager
Fahad bin Hamad Al Mohannadi; Kahramaa President Essa bin Hilal Al Kuwari; and
Kozo Ban, President of Power Generation Company.
The new
version of the MoU will go into place starting April 1 and will run through
March 31, 2019 – a date that coincides with the 10-year anniversary of the MoU’s
original 2007 signing. The MoU is resigned every two years.
As part of
the amendment, QEWC and Chubu will continue to work together on ideas that
include improving measures for safety management and maintenance quality, and
promoting environmental protection. Meanwhile, Kahramaa and Chubu will continue
their collaborative efforts on substation work, and launch new quality control
and documentation methods and general safety management techniques. They will
also focus on further developing human resources.
Qatar, Japan solidify electricity pact