Noor Ibrahim Al Sada, the second secretary of Qatar's permanent mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva, recently stressed the country’s belief in protecting children by punishing assailants and taking precautionary measures during her address to the 34th session of the UN Human Rights Council.
Al Sada
spoke about Qatar’s legislation and creation of specialized agencies that
protect children, such as the Qatar Foundation for Social Work. This foundation
has a program to protect and rehabilitate women and children victims of
Al Sada
praised global efforts to eradicate violence against children. She said an investment in protecting children and preventing violence is a path for a
better future and a world where every child is safe from violence and
Al Sada also said that the second international conference on safe
schools, will take place in Buenos Aires in March, is an opportunity to reach a consensus on how to guarantee that schools and education
facilities remain safe from armed attacks and military conflicts.
Qatar stresses the importance of protecting children during UN meeting