EMBASSY OF SAUDI ARABIA: Joint Forces Command: Iran Backed Houthis Fire Two Ballistic Missiles

Embassy of Saudi Arabia issued the following announcement on Oct. 4.

"On Friday morning, October 4, Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in Yemen fired two ballistic missiles from Sana'a Governorate. Using a civilian site for the launch, the missiles landed in Saada Governorate." said Col. Turki Al-Malki, the Spokesman of Command of Joint Forces of Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen.

Col. Al-Malki said the Houthi militia continues to violate international humanitarian law through indiscriminately firing ballistic missiles, which land on innocent civilians, and threaten the lives of entire communities.

Al Maliki stressed that the Joint Forces Command of the Coalition continues to take strict measures to neutralize and destroy the ballistic capabilities of the Iran backed Houthi terrorists, in order to protect civilians inside Yemen, and to protect regional and international security.

Original source: https://www.saudiembassy.net/news/joint-forces-command-iran-backed-houthis-fire-two-ballistic-missiles
