Mitsubishi Oman arranges Qaranqasho event

General Automotive Company (GAC), the official Mitsubishi vehicles distributor in Oman, recently organized a Qaranqasho event to celebrate the 14th day of Ramadan.

The event, which was hosted at the GAC showroom in Athaibah, had more than 150 participants, including children, staff members, and customers. Hala FM and Hi! FM broadcasted the event live.

Qaranqasho occurs directly in the middle of the holy month of Ramadan. This day is celebrated each year as children sing special songs throughout their local villages to receive sweets. Mitsubishi arranged the event to continue the traditional songs and sweets as well as to entertain the children.

The event featured face painting, a DJ competition, a candy floss station, a henna station, a bouncing castle, and a specific playing area, and children received balloons and other gifts.

“We are aware that (Qaranqasho) is a very important and nostalgic part of the childhood of people in the Sultanate,” GAC National Marketing Manager Rajesh Sharma said. “At GAC, we attempted to keep the tradition alive by marking the occasion with children and their families to have an enjoyable day and were pleased to see the fantastic turnout.”
