King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals gains Ephraim Oil exec as professor

Michael Fraim, vice president of technology for U.S.-based Ephraim Oil, has signed a two-year contract to join King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) as a visiting associate professor. Fraim begins his term with KFUPM in Saudia Arabia on Sept. 1. Fraim's courses will cover shale oil and gas development, CO2 and chemical enhanced oil recovery. Read More »

As Dubai booms, experts weigh in on launching a restaurant

It seems like every time you turn around, there's a new restaurant going into a neighborhood in Dubai. As this cosmopolitan city continues to reinvent itself, all sorts of chains and independent restaurants are targeting customers in the area, with renowned chefs and established restaurateurs sinking a lot of money and effort into serving customers. But how do these restaurants get their start? Read More »

United Arab Emirates University to welcome incoming freshmen

Though classes have already began, approximately 4,000 United Arab Emirates University (UAEU) freshmen and their parents will officially be received in a ceremony on Tuesday. Events for the day will include a college fair featuring the innovative projects of current students.The research-intensive university has held numerous other events to welcome its incoming students. Read More »
